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Showing posts from August 16, 2020

23) Isaiah, 이사야 - 장 1-66, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

22) Song of Solomon, 아가 - 장 1-8, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

21) Ecclesiastes, 전도서 - 장 1-12, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

20) Proverbs, 잠언 - 장 1-31, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, (시편 - 장 101-150) 3/3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, (시편 - 장 51-100) 2/3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust