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22) Пісня над піснями - Глава 1-8, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Бібл...

21) Ecclesiastes, Еклесіяст - розділ 1-12, [Ukrainian Holy Bible] Україн...

20) Proverbs, Приповісті - Глава 1-31, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська ...

19) Psalm, Псалми, (розділ 101-150) 3/3, [Ukrainian Holy Bible] Українсь...

19) Psalm, Псалми, (розділ 1-50) 1/3, [Ukrainian Holy Bible] Українська ...

19) Psalm, Псалми, (розділ 1-50) 1/3,

66) Revelation, התגלות, הפרק1-22, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

65) Jude, יהודה, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

64) 3 John, יוחנן השלישית, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

63) 2 John, יוחנן השנייה, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

62) 1 John, יוחנן הראשונה, הפרק1-5, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

61) 2 Peter, פטרום השנייה, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

60) 1 Peter, פטרום הראשונה, הפרק1-5, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

59) James, יעקב, הפרק1-5, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

59) James, יעקב, הפרק1-5, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

58) Hebrews, אל־העברים, הפרק1-13, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

57) Philemon, אל־פילימון, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

56) Titus, אל־טיטום, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

55) 2 Timothy, השנייה אל־טימותיום, הפרק1-4, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

54) 1 Timothy, הראשונה אל־טימותיום, הפרק1-6, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bi...

53) 2 Thessalonians, השנייה אל־התסלוניקים, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew ...

52) 1 Thessalonians, הראשונה אל־התסלוניקים, הפרק1-5, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew...

51) Colossians, אל־הקולומים, הפרק1-4, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

50) Philippians, אל־הקולומים, הפרק1-4, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

48) Galatians, אל־הגלטים, הפרק1-6, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

49) Ephesians, אל־האפסיים, הפרק1-6, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

48) Galatians, אל־הגלטים, הפרק1-6, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

47) 2 Corinthians, השנייה אל־הקורינתים, הפרק1-13, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Ho...

46) 1 Corinthians, הראשונה אל־הקורינתים, הפרק1-16, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew H...

45) Romans, אל־הרומיים, הפרק1-16, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

44) Acts, מעשי השליחים, הפרק1-28, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

43) John, יוחנן, הפרק1-21, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

42) Luke, לוקם, הפרק1-24, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

41) Mark, מרקוםי, הפרק1-16, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

40) Matthew, מַתָּי, הפרק1-28, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

39) Malachi, מלאכי, הפרק1-4, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

38) Zechariah, זכריה, הפרק1-14, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

37) Haggai, חגי, הפרק1-2, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

36) Zephaniah, צפניה, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

37) Haggai, חגי, הפרק1-2, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

36) Zephaniah, צפניה, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

35) Habakkuk, חבקוק, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

34) Nahum, נחום, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

33) Micah, מיכה, הפרק1-7, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

32) Jonah, יונה, הפרק1-4, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

31) Obadiah, עבדיה, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

30) Amos, עמוס, הפרק1-9, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

29) Joel, יואל, הפרק1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

28) Hosea, הושע, הפרק1-14, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

27) Daniel, דניאל, הפרק1-12, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

26) Ezekiel, יחזקאל, הפרק1-48, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

25) Lamentations, איכה, הפרק1-5, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

24) Jeremiah, ירמיה, הפרק1-52, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

23) Isaiah, ישעיה, הפרק1-66, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

22) Song of Solomon, שיר השירים, הפרק1-8, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

21) Ecclesiastes, קהלת, הפרק1-12, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

20) Proverbs, משלי, הפרק1-31, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

19) Psalms, תהלים, (הפרק101-150) 3/3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

19) Psalms, תהלים, (הפרק51-100)2/3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

19) Psalms, תהלים, (הפרק1-50)1-3, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

18) Job, איוב, הפרק1-42, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

17) Esther, אסתר, הפרק1-10, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

16) Nehemiah, נחמיה, הפרק1-13, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

15) Ezra, עזרא, הפרק1-10, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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14) 2 Chronicles, דברי הימים ב, הפרק1-36, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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13) 1 Chronicles, דברי הימים א, הפרק1-29, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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12) 2 Kings, מלכים ב, הפרק1-25, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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10) 2 Samuel, שמואל ב, הפרק1-24, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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8) Ruth, רות, הפרק1-4, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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7)Judges, שפטים, הפרק1-21, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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6) Joshua, יהושע, הפרק1-24, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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5) Deuteromony, דברים, הפרק1-34, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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4) Numbers, במדבר, הפרק1-36, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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3) Leviticus, ויקרא, הפרק1-27, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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2) Exodus, שמות, הפרק1-50, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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1) Genesis, בראשית, הפרק1-50, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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1) Genesis, בראשית, הפרק1-50, הקודש במקרא [Hebrew Holy Bible]

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66) Revelation, 요한계시록 - 장 1-22, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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65) Jude, 유다서, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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64) 3 John, 요한3서 , [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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63) 2 John, 요한2서, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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62) 1 John, 요한1서 - 장 1-5, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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61) 2 Peter, 베드로후서 - 장 1-3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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60) 1 Peter, 베드로전서 - 장 1-5, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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59) James, 야고보서 - 장 1-5, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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58) Hebrews, 히브리서 - 장 1-13, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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57) Philemon, 빌레몬서, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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56) Titus, 디도서 - 장 1-3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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53) 2 Thessalonians, 데살로니가후서 - 장 1-3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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52) 1 Thessalonians, 데살로니가전서 - 장 1-5, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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51) Colossians, 골로새서 - 장 1-4, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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50) Philippians, 골로새서 - 장 1-4, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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48) Galatians, 갈라디아서 - 장 1-6, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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47) 2 Corinthians, 고린도후서 - 장 1-13, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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46) 1 Corinthians, 고린도전서 - 장 1-16, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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45) Romans, 로마서 - 장 1-16, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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44) Acts, 사도행전 - 장 1-28, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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43) John, 요한복음 - 장 1-21, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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42) Luke, 누가복음 - 장 1-24, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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41) Mark, 마가복음 - 장 1-16, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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40) Matthew, 마태복음 - 장 1-28, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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39) Malachi, 말라기 - 장 1-4, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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38) Zechariah, 스가랴 - 장 1-14, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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37) Haggai, 학개 - 장 1-2, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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36) Zephaniah, 스바냐 - 장 1-3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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35) Habakkuk, 하박국 - 장 1-3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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34) Nahum, 나훔 - 장 1-3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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33) Micah, 미가 - 장 1-7, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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32) Jonah, 요나 - 장 1-4, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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31) Obadiah, 오바댜, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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30) Amos, 아모스 - 장 1-9, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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28) Hosea, 호세아 - 장 1-14, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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27) Daniel, 다니엘 - 장 1-12, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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26) Ezekiel, 에스겔 - 장 1-48, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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26) Ezekiel, 에스겔 - 장 1-48, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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25) Lamentations, 예레미야 애가 - 장 1-5, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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24) Jeremiah, 예레미야 - 장 1-52, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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23) Isaiah, 이사야 - 장 1-66, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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22) Song of Solomon, 아가 - 장 1-8, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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21) Ecclesiastes, 전도서 - 장 1-12, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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20) Proverbs, 잠언 - 장 1-31, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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19) Psalms, (시편 - 장 101-150) 3/3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, (시편 - 장 51-100) 2/3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, (시편 - 장 1-50)1/3, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

In God We Trust

18) Job, 욥기 - 장 1-42, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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17) Esther, 에스더 - 장 1-10, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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16) Nehemiah, 느헤미야 - 장 1-13, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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15) Ezra, 에스라 - 장 1-10, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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14) 2 Chronicles, 역대하 - 장 1-36, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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12) 2 Kings, 열왕기하 - 장 1-25, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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11) 1 Kings, 열왕기상 - 장 1-22, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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10) 2 Samuel, 사무엘하 - 장 1-24, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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9) 1Samuel, 사무엘상 - 장 1-31, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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8) Ruth, 룻기 - 장 1-4, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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7) Judges, 사사기 - 장 1-21, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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6) Joshua, 여호수아 - 장 1-24, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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5) Deuteromony, 신명기 - 장 1-34, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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4) Numbers, 민수기 - 장 1-36, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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3)Leviticus, 레위기 - 장 1-27, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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2) Exodus, 출애굽기 - 장 1-40, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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1) Genesis, 창세기 - 장 1-50, [Korean Holy Bible] 성경 -

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66) Revelation, Apocalipsa capitol 1-22, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia ro...

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65) Jude, Iuda, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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63) 2 John, 2 Ioan, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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62) 1 John, 1 Ioan capitol 1-5, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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61) 2 Peter, 2 Petru capitol 1-3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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60) 1 Peter, 1 Petru capitol 1-5, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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59) James, Iacob capitol 1-5, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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58) Hebrews, Evrei capitol 1-13, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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57) Philemon, Filimon, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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56Titus 1 3

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55) 2 Timothy, 2 Timotei capitol 1-4, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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54) 1 Timothy, 1 Timotei capitol 1-6, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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53) 2 Thessalonians, 2 Tesaloniceni capitol 1-3, [Romanian Holy Bible] B...

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52) 1 Thessalonians, 1 Tesaloniceni capitol 1-5, [Romanian Holy Bible] B...

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51) Colossians, Coloseni capitol 1-4, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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50) Philippians, Filipeni capitol 1-4, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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49) Ephesians, Efeseni capitol 1-6, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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48) Galatians, Galateni capitol 1-6, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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47) 2 Corinthians, 2 Corinteni capitol 1-13, [Romanian Holy Bible] Bibli...

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46) 1 Corinthians, 1 Corinteni capitol 1-16, [Romanian Holy Bible] Bibli...

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45) Romans, Romani capitol 1-16, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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44) Acts, Faptele Apostolilor capitol 1-28, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia...

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43) John, Ioan capitol 1-21, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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42) Luke, Luca capitol 1-24, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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41) Mark, Marcu capitol 1-16, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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40) Matthew, Matei capitol 1-28, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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39) Malachi, Maleahi capitol 1-4, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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38) Zechariah, Zaharia capitol 1-14, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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37) Haggai, Hagai capitol 1-2, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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36) Zephaniah, Ţefania capitol 1-3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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35) Habakkuk, Habacuc capitol 1-3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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34) Nahum, Naum capitol 1-3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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33) Micah, Mica capitol 1-7, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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32) Jonah, Iona capitol 1-4, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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30) Amos capitol 1-9, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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28) Hosea, Osea capitol 1-14, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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29) Joel, Ioel capitol 1-3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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27) Daniel, Daniel capitol 1-12, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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26) Ezekiel, Ezechiel capitol 1-48, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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25) Lamentations, Plângerile lui Ieremia capitol 1-5, [Romanian Holy Bib...

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24) Jeremiah, Ieremia capitol 1-52, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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23) Isaiah, Isaia capitol 1-66, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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22) Song of Solomon, Cântarea Cântărilor capitol 1-8, [Romanian Holy Bib...

In God We Trust

21) Ecclesiastes, Ecleziast capitol 1-12, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia r...

In God We Trust

20) Proverbs, Proverbe capitol 1-31, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, Psalmi (capitol 101-150)3/3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia ro...

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, Psalmi (capitol 51-100)2/3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

19) Psalms, Psalmi (capitol 1-50)1/3, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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18) Job, Iov capitol 1-42, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

17) Esther, Estera capitol 1-10, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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16) Nehemiah, Neemia capitol 1-13, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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15) Ezra, Ezra capitol 1-10, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

14) 2 Chronicles, 2 Cronici capitol 1-36, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia r...

In God We Trust

13) 1 Chronicles, 1 Cronici capitol 1-29, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia r...

In God We Trust

12) 2 Kings, 2 Regi capitol 1-25, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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11) 1 Kings, 1 Regi capitol 1-22, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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10) 2 Samuel capitol 1-24, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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9) 1 Samuel capitol 1-31, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

8) Ruth, Rut capitol 1-4, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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7) Judges, Judecători capitol 1-21, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

6) Joshua, Iosua capitol 1-24, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

5) Deuteromony, Deuteronom capitol 1-34, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia ro...

In God We Trust

4) Numbers, Numeri capitol 1-36, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

In God We Trust

3) Leviticus, Levitic capitol 1-27, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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2) Exodus, Ieşirea - Exod capitol 1-40, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia română

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1) Genesis, Facerea - Geneza capitol 1-50, [Romanian Holy Bible] Biblia ...

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65) Jude, يهوذا الفصل, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy Bible

In God We Trust

63) ; 64) 2-3John, 2- يوحنا الفصل, 3, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس ...

In God We Trust

62 1 John 1 5

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62) 1 John 1-5, يوحنا الفصل1-5, لعهد الجديد N.T, الكتاب المقدس Arabic ...

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59) James1-5, يعقوب الفصل1-5, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic H...

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58) Hebrews, العبرانيين الفصل1-13, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Ara...

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57) Philemon, فيليمون الفصل, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Ho...

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56) Titus, تيطس الفصل1-3, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy ...

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55) 2 Timothy, تيموثاوس الفصل1-4, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arab...

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54) 1 Timothy, تيموثاوس الفصل1-6, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arab...

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53) 2 Thessalonians, تسالونيكي الفصل1-3, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المق...

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52) 1 Thessalonians, تسالونيكي الفصل1-5, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المق...

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51) Colossians, كولوسي الفصل1-4, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabi...

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50) Philippians, فيليبي الفصل1-4, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arab...

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49) Ephesians, أفسس الفصل 1-6, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic ...

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48) Galatians, غلاطية الفصل1-6, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic...

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47) 2 Corinthians, كورنثوس الفصل1-13, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس ...

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46) 1 Corinthians, كورنثوس الفصل1-16, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس ...

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45) Romans, رومية الفصل1-16, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Ho...

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44) Acts, أعمال الرسل الفصل1-28, لعهد الجديد N.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabi...

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43) John, يوحنا الفصل1-21, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Hol...

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42) Luke, لوقا الفصل1-24, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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37) Haggai, حجي الفصل1-2, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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36) Zephaniah, صفنيا الفصل1-3, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic...

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35) Habakkuk, حبقوق الفصل1-3, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic ...

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34) Nahum, ناحوم الفصل1-3, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Hol...

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33) Micah, ميخا الفصل1-7, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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32) Jonah, يونان الفصل1-4, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Hol...

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31) Obadiah, عوبديا الفصل, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Hol...

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30) Amos, عاموس الفصل1-9, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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29) Joel, يوئيل الفصل1-3, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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28) Hosea, هوشع الفصل1-14, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Hol...

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27) Daniel, دانيال الفصل1-12, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic ...

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26) Ezekiel, حزقيال الفصل1-48, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic...

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25) Lamentations, مراثي أرمياء الفصل1-5, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب الم...

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24) Jeremiah, أرمياء الفصل1-52, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabi...

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23) Isaiah, أشعياء الفصل1-66, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic ...

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22) Song of Solomon, نشيد الأنشاد الفصل1-8, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب ...

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21) Ecclesiastes, الجامعة الفصل1-12, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس ...

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20) Proverbs, الجامعة الفصل1-12, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arab...

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19) Psalms, المزامير الفصل101-150, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Ar...

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19) Psalms, المزامير الفصل51-100, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Ara...

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19) Psalms, المزامير الفصل1-50, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabi...

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18) Job, أيوب الفصل1-42, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy ...

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17) Esther, أستير الفصل1-10, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic H...

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16) Nehemiah, نحميا الفصل1-13, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic...

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15) Ezra, عزرا الفصل1-10, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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14) 2 Chronicles, أخبار الأيام الثاني الفصل1-36, الكتاب المقدس Arabic Ho...

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13) 1 Chronicles, أخبار الأيام الأول الفصل1-29, العهد القديم O.T., الك...

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12) 2 Kings, لملوك الثاني الفصل1-25, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس...

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11) 1 Kings, الملوك الأول الفصل1-22, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس ...

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10) 2 Samuel, صموئيل الثاني الفصل1-24, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقد...

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9) 1Samuel , 1صموئيل الأول الفصل1-31, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس...

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8) Ruth, راعوث الفصل1-4, العهد القديم O.T., الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy ...

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7) Judges, Chapter 1 21

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6) Joshua, يشوع الفصل1 -24,العهد القديم O.T. الكتاب المقدس Arabic Hol...

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5) Deuteromony, Chapter 1 34

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4) Numbers, العدد الفصل 1-36, العهد القديم O.T.,الكتاب المقدس Arabic H...

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3) Leviticus, اللاويين الفصل1-27,العهد القديم O.T.,الكتاب المقدس Arabi...

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2) Exodus, لخروج الفصل 1-40العهد القديم O.T.الكتاب المقدس Arabic Holy...

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1Genesis Chapter 1 50

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66) Об'явлення - Глава 1-22, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - O...

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65) Юди Chapter 1, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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63, 64) 2 Івана , 2 Івана; Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Or...

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62) 1 Івана - Глава 1-5, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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61) 2 Петра - Глава 1-3, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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61) 2 Петра - Глава 1-3, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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60) 1 Петра - Глава 1-5, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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59) Якова - Глава 1-5, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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58) до євреїв - Глава 1-13, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Or...

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57) до Филимона, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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56) до Тита - Глава 1-3, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Orienko

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55) 2 Тимофію - Глава 1-4, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Ori...

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54) 1 Тимофію - Глава 1-6, Ukrainian Holy Bible, Українська Біблія - Ori...

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